Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Decisons Decisions...

I was offered the job that I interviewed for yesterday. I accepted the job. And then I cried. I don't really want this job. The hours SUCK!! I have to get up at 5:30 in the morning 6 DAYS A WEEK!!! The pluses of the job are:
  • It's casual..I get to wear jeans
  • I would be getting a couple months of accounting experience
  • That experience would open other doors for accounting jobs
The cons:

  • I would have to be up at 5:30 in the morning, six days a week. I will not be a happy person!
  • My heart is now and always will be in a library.
  • Huge day care bill
Oh yeah..I haven't mentioned that part. After I accepted the job and all of that, I checked my email and there was a notice about 2 open positions at the public library. One working the desk and one working ILL. I loved my job when I have worked at a library.
So here we go again...
The pros:
  • In a library, where I ultimately want to be
  • working either ILL or the desk, both places I love to be
  • Much Much better hours
  • being up to date on what books are out there
  • more time with Ady and Owen since they would only be in day care part time
The cons:
  • Dress will probably be business casual, so no jeans. I don't fit into my dress clothes yet. So I would probably have to get some new clothes.
  • The pay isn't enough to cover the expenses that we will have
  • Its only part time and temporary
So there's my pickle for the day. I'm going to call the library and ask some question. Like how temporary is last job was temp and I worked there for darn near 2 years. Is there a chance for full time???

So many questions....


  1. I'm still praying for the "library" job!!!
    It has to go somewhere. Just look at job was temporary when I started Nov. 13, 1988....21 years ago and I'm still here!!!!
    A lot of good years and the pay has gotten better and better!!!

  2. Why didn't you get your MLS? You always liked the library better than I did, I figured you would end up there!

  3. It's not too late to get a MLS!!!
