Sunday, March 20, 2011

I heart you Pioneer Woman Cinnamon Rolls

So yesterday morning I woke up wanting cinnamon rolls. They just sounded so good...gooey and warm with icing. I blame Ian since he told me he had one from a local bakery on Friday. We had a choice to make. We could go to the Farmers Market and get some or I could take a shot at making some. (I've never been a fan of making bread like things...yeast and I don't really get along) A plan was hatched. We'd eat breakfast and then go to the Market for Ian's favorite cookies and some cinnamon rolls.
Then Ady woke up. With a fever. A fever of 103.3 to be exact. Our plan went right out the window. Ian didnt want to go to the store (now we needed gatorade for Ady) and the farmers market since he has been sucked into a show (it was really a fancy infomercial) how keeping your brain healthy. Being the good mom and wife that I am, I got dressed and headed for the store.
I got Gatorade for Ady and also picked up the things I needed to make the Pioneer Woman's famous cinnamon rolls. Her recipe makes 50 rolls!!
After 4 hours!!!!, I had the most delicious rolls in my oven! The best part is, I have six more pie pans full of rolls in my freezer. When the rolls came out I even made some of PW's icing. Powdered sugar, milk, butter, maple syrup, and a tiny bit of coffee. They were oh so good!! I'm going to have a hard time not baking these rolls every chance I get!!