Monday, August 3, 2009

Camp, Day 1

Ady started a week of nature camp at Quarry Hill today. She was beyond herself with excitement this morning and couldn't wait for lunch time when I was going to pick her up form Becki's. On the way to Quarry Hill, I went over the rules with her for the one millionth time. Listen to your leaders, be a good girl, talk quietly, play nice with the other kids..and yada yada.
I went to pick her up today and when I was signing her out her leader told me that they had behavioral problems with her. Great. I asked what had happened and she told me that when they went outside Ady just ran away from her group. Fabulous. Then when they came inside Ady wouldn't stop talking, making it difficult for activites to move on.
Here's hoping that tomorrow is much better!

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