Thursday, July 14, 2011

10 Weeks

Baby's now the size of a prune!With bones and cartilage starting to form and vital organs beginning to function, baby is making major progress. Body length will almost double in the next three weeks, and arm joints are now working. (Soon, legs will start working too.)

Due Date: February 9, 2012!

Weight Gain:I'm fairly sure I'm up 3lb now

Symptoms: When I get hungry, I"m HUNGRY!! Like feed me now or look out! And I'm still a bit tired

What's different this time: I'm not as bloated this time around!

Cravings: nothing really this week. I wanted fruit last night but we didn't have any in the house that I could eat

Aversions: Nothing this week

Sleep: I could sleep most of the day away and be very happy!

I am loving: sleep

I miss:  nothing really. Maybe an occasional glass of wine

I am looking forward to:sleeping in this weekend. and being done with 1st trimester

I'm spazzing about: cleaning the house before the in-laws start arriving next week!!!

Best thing about this week: Got our big girl back last weekend and started her in swim again.

Milestones: can't believe I"m 10 weeks already!!

Movement: nope, nothing. still too early

It's a...: I'm already convinced it's a girl 

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